CANTO 1: Dante and Beatrice ascend to the fire of Heaven.

CANTO 2: Merging with Heaven of the Moon.

CANTO 3: The souls that were prevented from keeping their promise to God.

CANTO 4: The tenacious martyrs that kept their promise to God is explained.

CANTO 7: The redemption of humanity.

CANTO 5: Emperor Justinian meets Dante.

CANTO 8: Spiritually appointed diversity in humanity.

CANTO 6: Christianity and the Roman Empire.

CANTO 9: Souls who were trapped by pleasures but still blessed.

CANTO 10: Thomas Aquinas meets Dante in the Heaven of the Sun.

CANTO 11: The description of St. Francis embracing Christianity.

CANTO 12: St. Dominic described as a gardener for Christ.

CANTO 13: The light of God's love described.

CANTO 14: Dante's vision of the crucifixion.

CANTO 15: Dante meets his ancestor.

CANTO 16: The decadence of Florence is described.

CANTO 17: The prediction that Dante will be banished from Florence.

CANTO 18: Angels write the letters of the words "love righteousness".

CANTO 19: An eagle formed by angels explains pagans and Christian kings.

CANTO 20: Noble souls make up the eagle's eye.

CANTO 21: Dante sees Peter Damian descend Jacob's ladder.

CANTO 22: St. Benedict talks with Dante but remains hidden.

CANTO 23:The Virgin Mary appears with the twelve apostles.

CANTO 24: Dante describes true faith to St. Peter.

CANTO 25: The nature of hope is explained.

CANTO 26: Dante explains his love.

CANTO 27: St. Peter describes his anger at Pope Boniface VIII.

CANTO 28: Dante sees the reflection in Beatrice's eye.

CANTO 31: St. Bernard of Clairvaux replaces Beatrice as Dante's guide.

CANTO 29: The fallen angels leave Heaven, rebelling against goodness.

CANTO 32: Dante is shown Mary and Eve in Heaven.

CANTO 30: Dante drinks from the river of light.

CANTO 33: St. Bernard prays to the Virgin Mary.