CANTO 1: Arriving in Purgatory, Dante is symbolically cleansed.

CANTO 2: An angel delivers souls to the shores of Purgatory.

CANTO 3: King Manfred repents at the end.

CANTO 4: Slothful souls resting on the steep ledge.

CANTO 5: A demon angered by an angel that takes a repentant soul.

CANTO 6: Souls ask Dante to plea for prayers from the living.

CANTO 7: The valley of the negligent rulers.

CANTO 8: Angels ward off serpents entering the valley.

CANTO 9: The guardian of the door lets Dante in.

CANTO 10: Relief sculptures of the Annunciation on the wall.

CANTO 11: As penance, the proud carry rocks.

CANTO 12: A relief sculpture of the proud Lucifer is on the floor.

CANTO 13: The envious wait with their eyes wired shut.

CANTO 14: The modern Tuscans have become like animals.

CANTO 15: Virgil explains the more one loves the more love there is.

CANTO 16: The blending of Church and State has caused chaos and misery.

CANTO 17: Virgil explains that misplaced love causes evil.

CANTO 18: Crowds of slothful souls running as penance.

CANTO 19: The stinking belly of a Siren is revealed to Dante in a dream.

CANTO 20: The noble poverty of Mary cleans the avaricious with tears.

CANTO 21: Virgil's identity is revealed to the roman poet Statius.

CANTO 22: Statius became a Christian by Virgil lighting the path.

CANTO 23: The tree and the water torment the starving gluttons.

CANTO 24: An angel fans Dante's forehead, allowing him to ascend.

CANTO 25: The explanation of the human soul breathed into a fetus.

CANTO 26: Purifying fire that cleanses the souls of the lustful.

CANTO 27: An angel commands Dante to pass through the flames.

CANTO 28: The meeting of Matelda in the Garden of Eden.

CANTO 29: The symbolic triumph of the Church.

CANTO 30: Dante encounters Beatrice.

CANTO 31: The cleansing in the river Lethe.

CANTO 32: Horrific transformations symbolizing strife in th Church.

CANTO 33: Dante is reborn by the waters of Eunoe.